1000+1 • 07/12/2019 - 09/06/2019
Curatorial project for Foto Relevance (Houston, TX)
When thinking about photography, an old adage often comes to mind: a picture is worth a thousand words. To say this is to recognize photography as an inherently communicative and narrative practice, to acknowledge the ways in which a singular image can convey meaning when language falls short. The medium’s unique ability to tell stories and evoke sentiment through visual means is precisely why it remains necessary and essential to our daily lives.
Engaging in this conversation, 1000+1 was a group exhibition highlighting seven contemporary artists (Kalee Appleton, Joana P. Cardozo, Mark Chen, Paul-André Larocque, Noelle Mason, Karen Navarro, and Krista Svalbonas) who expand our expectations of photography through the use of photo-based techniques in conjunction with alternative art forms. The exhibition showcased the versatility and malleability of photography, suggesting that one future narrative for the medium lies in its intrinsic ability to accommodate and engage seamlessly with other methods of expression.